Merchandising & Movin’ up in 1 More Castle

Who’s that knocking on the door? It’s Mr. Internet, here to collect on our hosting bills! What are we to do?



After taking advantage of my right to use terrible gifs, I’d like to introduce the 1 More Castle Shop! Currently, we only have a limited run of t-shirts left over from Indy PopCon, so get them while they’re hot!

Expanding the 1 More Castle Leadership Team

At the moment, Eric Bailey and I have been deciding most of the long term goals and projects for 1 More Castle, but in order for the site to grow, we’re giving more control to a few great people. Eric Hunter (Podcast host, audio engineer, Bit Breaker, and indie game reviewer) along with Tom Hall (N64 Connoisseur, Mach Rider, fellow Bit Breaker, and Video Game Personality)  are moving into their new roles as Community Managers. They, along with our Editor Jason Lamb, Bailey and I, will be working together to define how 1 More Castle will develop in the coming months and years.

Please give them a hearty congratulations and buy a shirt.


But seriously, go buy a shirt.