1 More Podcastle

We’re Expanding our Podcast

We are proud to announce we’re expanding our weekly podcast to include streaming video.

As you may well know, each Monday we post the latest episode of our 1MorePodcastle to the website. This has, historically, been an audio only podcast. We’d like to put an end to that.

From now on, we will be streaming a live webcast recording of the podcast every Thursday. This will be available via YouTube, and a link will be published to our Twitter before the show is about to go live (somewhere between 8 – 8:30pm EST).

This will allow you to see the live, unedited version of the podcast, as well as allow you to comment via the YouTube page in real time. For those of you who miss the live recording, the YouTube video will be placed on the website on Monday, as well as a “classic” edited audio-version for those of who who want to listen on the go.


So, let’s sum that up in list:

  1. We record our podcast on Thursday, and will be streaming while we record. A link will be posted to our Twitter account between 8pm and 8:30pm EST
  2. The traditional, edited audio-podcast will be posted on Monday as usual to the website
  3. As an added bonus, a recording of our live-stream will be posted on Monday as well


I hope you enjoy this as much as we enjoy doing it, and we hope you can tune in.

As a one-time bonus, here’s an early view of last nights recording!